Friday, February 18, 2011

Hip Hop Hurray! Its Friday!

So its Friday-well I'm writing this Thursday night when I turned on the tv and NatGeo channel was on and there's this awesome show about the origins of life on Naked Science...I need this show for my honors bio class...but you can't buy it yet...I did look.  Love when this happens-just too bad I can't figure out how to show it to my kids at school.
Anyhow, yesterday was great- back in the 50's temperature-wise. Got to LOVE it! Just wish it would LAST!!!! But alas, it won't-its still too early here in Northern New England to count on it staying spring like.
So today's card is a fun one I made for Katie.  I folded this card similar to the Artistic Outpost bird card I showed you Wednesday. I took some white cardstock and folded it so that there is a second fold in the front about a 1/4 of the way down from the top. I colored this top folded part blue with some Memories Ink, and then I punched out the grass with a Martha Stewart Punch and glued to bottom edge into this fold and then taped the fold close. This allows you to hide the bottom of the grass and put the frogs more up in the front to get a more 3D affect.
I die cut the frogs with a Sizzix frog, insect set I picked up marked down on the Sizzix website. I punched them on the polka dot paper...and I colored in the eyes and the tongues. I flipped the paper and punched it in the opposite direction just to change up the frogs. Then I attached them after coloring the front visable part of the card with green and mango Memories ink. So I stamped the saying Hip Hop Hurray across the bottom (Hero Arts) and then stamped the Hi (Hero Arts) on white cardstock and colored it with the same blue as the sky. I also put a very thin strip of woodgrain designed paper across the bottom for a bit of design...
I think this is a very cute card and I love these frogs. I'm sure you'll be seeing more of them soon.
So what's up for you this weekend? I've got grading to do, a hockey game Saturday night, hopefully a bit of cleaning if my back isn't bothering me...its not a long weekend for me like it is for so many other folks...but next week is our last week before vacation, so that's ok...and I can't WAIT for vacation.
More later...

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