Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mud Season Weather

Yesterday was a gorgeous day! About 60 degrees! Love it.  You cen see my road getting soft and muddy-since I live on a gravel road. Today is much colder though-but still beautiful blue skies for those of you that have a long President's Day weekend. I don't, have to work on Monday, but in 1 more week I'm off-Yahoo!
So yesterday I went and had my back looked at by the doctor- luckily it is just a strained muscle...but while waiting for my prescriptions at the pharmacy I went out for a little drive and here's some camera shots I took in that little journey off my normal beaten path.
So tonight we have another UMO hockey game- very excited...trying to get our plans sqaured away and also trying to book my hotel room for Vegas in a few weeks...yeah...
Talk about multi-tasking.
Guess I better call this a post and move on so I can focus better...
Happy Saturday!

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