Wednesday, March 9, 2011

End of a Nice Day

Hi there!
Today (as it is Tuesday evening) was a really nice day-in the 40's, sunny, snow melting away bit by bit...March weather...but I'll take it. And the days are longer, could this morning it was brightening up BEFORE 6 a.m. and its just six now in the evening and NOT totally dark yet. That's good. We do change clocks this weekend so the mornings will be a bit darker but we'll have light until almost 7 next week...oh yes, I am so much better when I get sunlight, something I desperately miss during the winter months.
So isn't that a pretty Death Valley sunset above? The light and shadows here are fantastic for photographs.
Here's a couple of more where the shadows of the mountains or the clouds are very cool. (Looking down on the Panamint Valley from the Father Crowley's Vista).

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