Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Furnace Creek...from our vacation...

This isn't much of a photo but its a solar farm at Furnace Creek in Death Valley. I've never seen a solar farm before...New England isn't much of a place to have one...so it was interesting to me.
I've seen palm trees, but never date palms like this. There were dates all over the ground...something else we don't have here in New Hampshire...palm trees. Or dates...except in packages in the grocery store. A date nut bar would taste very very good right now.
A close up of the bark.
We stayed at the cabins at Furnace Creek. Ours was the one on the left. It had been recently updated and was very nice.
It gets hot here in the summer. But as you can see it wasn't too bad that day.
So I now have a hole in my tooth and will be getting another root canal next week-eeks! I won't have any cash for ever I think. But my tooth is draining and is slightly better than before...hopefully the antibiotics will be kicking in soon and I will be on the road to recovery...and will stay nice and healthy. Its been a tough winter with 2 abscessed teeth, a sore back, plantar fasciitis in my heel...makes me feel old and decrepit.
Anyhow...more trip photos another time.

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