Tuesday, March 15, 2011

IN Like a Lion and OUT Like a Lamb

No, the weather's not particulary lion like here-although it is March, but I wanted to show you one of the LaBlanche stamps I bought last week with my birthday money...love the kind of ancient feel to this image. I also like the yellow flower because it could be a flower or it could be an abstract-ish kind of sun. The other stamp I used is the one for the word Egypt, which is from a B Line cube.
So its actually Monday evening-though I'm not posting this until the morning. Talk about being exhausted all day-YAWN! This time change is a killer. Instead of my body thinking its 4:45 when I wake up my body thinks its 3:45. But I do love the longer nights and extra daylight hours...still,  I wouldn't change the clock, if I had my way. Just leave it as it is right now, that's what I say.
So here's a beauty photo-very lambish- its the salt flats at Death Valley with the muntains looking blue and the sky blue...no plants here, or hardley any. Very cool. Not quite like the greyish sky and muddy, brown-snow environment as my home right now...ah...mud season. You have to love it as its a sure sign of good weather to come but the foot deep ruts on the road and the frost heaves do kind of get you.
So tonight my project is to print out some trip photos from the summer of 2009-been working on that scrap album but am out of photos to scrap...need to get more printed so I can make some more pages.  I think that's a good tired evening project since I think I'm beat enough anything I tried to do in the studio wouldn't work very well...and hopefully tomorrow I'll be better time adjusted...man my poor body-last week adjusting back to Eastern time from Pacific time and now the time change...I don't think my brain knows whether its day or night...and maybe since its National Nap Day-so appropriate...I will take a quick snooze too.
Later alligator!

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