Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Non-eventful Wednesday

So lets see, Monday was 3/14-Pi day for you math geeks. Also National Take a Nap Day...but that's everyday for me. Tuesday was the Ides of March...the day Julius Ceasar was murdered in the Forum in Rome.
Here's we go, Ceaser's place of cremation in Rome...I took this back in 2005 when we went to Italy for a week.
Love Italy!
And tomorrow we have St. Patrick's Day...which is BIG here in New England.
Here's Dave hugging the statue of St. Patrick at the ruins at Cashel in Ireland in 2007. They say if you can reach around you'll keep your teeth (maybe since I couldn't reach around is why I'm having all these teeth issues.) Ireland is very pretty...and really green. I could use some green right now.
But today is far as I can tell just a day...within a week with lots of 'special' days. But its Wednesday, mid week, getting used to the time change slowly as the week goes along, and maybe today I won't come home and collasp and need an hour sleep...maybe I'll be able to make it through the whole day...awake...
So today's photos...maybe someone can help me. I took a photo of this tree at Scotty's Castle  I thought it was kind of cool view.
Look at this looks like braided rope...doesn't it? I love it! I have no idea what kind of tree it is...
Does anyone know?

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