Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring Flowers

The desert was lovely last week. Blue skies..warmish the south part of the park flowers were blooming and the desert even looked a bit green. Now compare that it dirty snow...about a foot left here although some places have less, brown slushy mud, clouds, more rain predicted and raw dampness. I know I keep going on about the trip ut I'm still in vacation mind set...ready to go someplace else to tell you the truth...March in New Hampshire is just rather about waiting for spring...not usually getting spring.
So let me show you the first flowers of spring for me...some more view from Death Valley.
So pretty! I can see why people flock to the desert in the spring for the flowers.
Here's an abandoned mill building with all the yellow blooms near it.
And no touch-ups here, but does this not look green? In full spring colors?

The background hills look green too.
I love it!
We will get spring here in New Hampshire, and when it comes, its gorgeous, but until then...
Happy Friday everyone.
Can't believe its been 2 weeks since vacation started and will be 2 weeks tomorrow since we left...a week since we got home...where does time fly to?
Make art and put some color into your life today!
(oh yes, soon I'll get back to showing you some art work...)

1 comment:

  1. Coming home from vacation is never fun! Gorgeous photos and great STR card. Have a wonderful weekend! :)


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