Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wishing I was Back on Vacation

What a day yesterday was. Wednesday morning I woke up an hour late...rushed around to get to work...was busy all morning at work...found out I needed progress reports finished by this morning so spent every free moment at school getting them done...had an after school never stopped...and I was beat when I got home after all that. Then worked on making a card-after more than I hour I hated it, pulled it apart and made an envelope from part of the card...was frustrated that the card didn't work but I liked the of those days I guess. I HOPE today is going to be a much better day...or calmer with some breathing moments...
But this always get back into the swing of real life and then you WISH you were back on vacation...back in the land of no committments and not having to be on any schedule and have to get anything done...
So here's another photo- the stark barren desolation of Death Valley.
Fascinating to me...
from an abandoned mining camp in the Panamint Mountains...near Emmigrant Pass

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