Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring textures

Last fall's leaves embedded in some left over snow and ice.
Some mud and me and my mud boots.
Dave's truck in the muddy driveway.`
Splashing in my cute boots.
My mermaid in my big flower garden.
Ice melting on the driveway edge.
Tree along the edge of my driveway-BUT you can see bare spots in the woods behind this.
Like being a 4 year old, I was having fun splashing in the mud puddles and having COOL boots I could keep my feet dry in.
Exposed lawn.
This is my companion piece to yesterday's piece about peeling paint. Here's some snaps showing our "spring" textures in New Hampshire. Nor crocus or daffodils or green grass here YET.
I will say those, I took these snaps Tuesday 4/5- and in the grass snap just above this there is NO more snow today!!!! And much more open grassy area and even my garden has much more exposed leaves and plant stumps...and yesterday,Wednesday, we hit about 50 with some sun before it got cloudy...again.
And today...I expect even MORE melt!

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