Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Watching Paint Peel

OK, mostly I felt that waiting for spring was like watching paint peel off of something. Then I saw some photos I took a few years ago of peeling paint and I thought how beautiful that could actually be...well beautiful in a non-traditional way that is. Then I thought...maybe I need to look at the on-coming spring the same way.
Here's some peeling paint photos and you tell me.
Its got that slight reptile crackle skin look.
More rubbery looking.
Is this mildew or paint? Its got the slightly scaley fuzzy look of mildew.
Paint on a metal pipe.
This one is pretty with more regular shapes.
Delicate metal crackle.
Practically worn off, sanded look.
Mosaic colorful layers.
Anyway you look at it, there's COOL there's texture to end of winter/start of spring. Mud, melting snow...dirt showing...bare stems...
Happy Wednesday!

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