Monday, May 2, 2011

Back to Work

Vacation is really over now- its Monday and its back to work. They say the best weather of the week today and then it gets wet...glad I'm not off and the rain will make the workweek easier. BUT...when I got up...there's some light on the horizon...jusr starting to brighten up...that's a huge change from before vacation...and I love when we get light compared to winter when its always dark-or so it seems.
So here's my card for the I made yesterday using my CHF Kim Hughes stamps. Its playful and fun, and quite simple. Everything is stamped directly on white cardstock, colored with Copics to have some bright colors. I did add some Viva blue dots on the shark bubbles and I did add some Viva green on the tall seaweeds on the bottom, but its just plain FUN!
Happy Monday...hopefully I can wake up and get moving better than I feel right now. Hope you can too.  

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