Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I Wish

Now that I'm back into the work groove, I wish it was vacation again. I could stay home and do some of the cleaning I didn't do last week. I could finish reading my book. I could...and I would spend a lot of time in the studio and make things and organize and maybe even vaccuum the rug.
But I am a responsible adult who has worked her whole adult life and so I shall go to work and be responsible.
Good thing I love my job teaching.
It would be horrible if I didn't.
I love teaching but its NOT my passion the way art has become.
But I do love my job and I really like teenagers...if you can believe that.
I still wish sometimes I could work in the art field and design things like rubber stamps or cards or items for a big company.
I think that might be quite a lot of fun.
Be a 7Gypsies designer or maybe a Hero Arts designer.
Or maybe run my own stamping store. Some cute little place a little bit cluttered with art on the walls.
But I would probably either hate either of those or suck at either of those.
So anyhow...
Now that I have talked about one of my wishes...(more to follow some other day)...here's some art for you to look at.
A card I made last week using a new Stampendous cling mount stamp which I colored with Copics and used ink to distress the sky like sunset. I put it on greenish paper with a grungeboard die cut that I inked and a heart die cut and painted red. Then I added the words which come from a Tweety Jill ocean set.
I love the ocean. I love working by the ocean and somedays smelling the salt air and living fairly close to the ocean. I don't have to wish that one.
Happy Day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erica, Oh! how I understand your wish! I hope you realise it one day but in between it looks like you make the time to create and this card is a great example, I love it.
    Thank you for dropping by my blog and your kind comment:0) xxx


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