Saturday, May 7, 2011

Eventful Weekend

I'm not a big fan of horse racing but the first Saturday in May is Kentucky Derby day. Just a little fact that may or may not mean anything to you, but it does mean another sign of spring and the better weather has arrived.  We usualy watch the Derby on tv...its take all of about 5 minutes to watch...May in New Hampshire is the first month of summery weather...well maybe not really summery but close to it, and all the summer restaurants and places are opening up. So it feels summery even if its not always quite that warm. Today is also National Scrapbooking Day-and I made a couple of pages in honor of that. Tomorrow is Mother's Day too...What a weekend, huh?
So I got many little chores done today, that's a good thing. I've needed to do a few of these little items...but they're the kind of things it's easy to put off and eventually they all pile up and you've just got to attack them. So today, I did them in a nice leisurely way. No stress...just puttering. My kind of cleaning. We had a big thunderstorm this afternoon too...that broke up the afternoon too.
Here's my card for the day...using Kim Hughes/CHF stamps from the ocean set. Except for the hello, that's Hero Arts.  I stamped the waves, and I colored the bottom of the card below those in blue and then took a darker blue to highlight the waves. I lightly distressed ink the sky-using Kim Hughes/CHF stamps from the summer set to stamp the clouds on white, which I then cut out and attached. I also stamped the dolphin on white, coloted it and cut it out before attaching it to the card. Then I glued down some sheer blue ribberon along the bottom, added the saying and some cream pearls from VIVA paints.

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