Friday, May 6, 2011

Its Almost the Weekend

I am writing this Thursday night, and its about 8 p.m. and its not pitch dark!!!! I love it. I love long days. Its a bit chilly out there, but the sun came out later in the day and the rain stopped.
Now its Friday morning-or will be when this posts. Katie's coming home today...she's got about a week left to least actual school time since they have reading days before exams. Then she's home for the summer. I know she wants to get home, but I think she's a bit bummed out lately. Exam stress... roomate been's bugging her...needing more than her usual part time sumemr job. She really does need to RELAX...but I can't make her relax- and as a mom you worry about them, but she's also at this point where you can't say anything to her, she doesn't listen or want to hear you, and then she interupts you when you do speak. She's kind of a direct and rigid person. Has to have everything laid out and planned out...I worry she might be ready to implode over some little diddlely thing...but its probably just me being a mom and worrying. Probably for no real reason either. That and I worry how its going to be this summer-it might be a tricky summer, but I'll be glad for her to be home.She is my little girl.
So here's my card for FRIDAY-(yahoo-Friday...almost the weekend...I love the weekend). This card is perky and a bit playful. I wonder how it would look if I hadn't stamped the tree trunks onto the white card itself and moved them higher onto the die cut circle...and then did the heart border...I am going to have to try that and see what I get.
I used white cardstock and die cut a graph paper circle. All stamps except the words are Kim Hughes/Cornish Heritage Farms. I stamped the trees, colored them. The butterfly, colored and added some small Viva Dimensional Pearl dots. I stampd the hearts, colored them and then drew in a dotted line to connect them. Then I stamped the bird, colored in the beak and legs and added the eye. The words are an old tiny stamp from Wordsworth...are they even still a stamp company? Does anyone know...they had great sayings. Its hard to find good sayings laterly-there's lots of good card type phrases, but quotes and sayings are a lot harder to find than they were back a few years. Guess things come and go. I stamped the words 3 times as though it was the butterfly trail.
Have a happy Friday!

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