Friday, May 13, 2011

It's Such a BEAUTIFUL Friday

Its a gorgeous day today...rather low key at work and now I'm home, windows open and the sun shining. Not a bad Friday the 13th. A bit buggy to go outside-those nasty May blackflies we get that swarm you...YUK!- but Katie went out to a friend's house and I'm home alone for a few hours-HURRAY! Studio time!!!!!!!
So now that blogger is back up let me show you a recently made card-not this week- I've hardly had any studio time this week, but back a coupe of weeks ago. I used blue grey card stock and this blue plaid paper. The scene is Stampendous...colored with Copics. The shells are all die-cuts, colored, and the words are Tweety Jill from one of her ocean sets. I outlined the plaid paper in black to mimic the edge of the stamped image, and I stamped some brown definition over and over along the bottom of the plaid paper to distress it a bit.
Its definately how I feel today- I feel very summery.
In fact if it wasn't so buggy or if they weren't predicting rain the rest of the weekend I'd go out and do some gardening and maybe go buy some plants...but the bugs are thick right now...but they'll slow down a bit in another week.
Happy day to you.
Enjoy this very exciting time of year (we mostly have leaves now and it is SO fantastic to see green and color in the flowers and trees blooming...I can't take it its so GREAT!)

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