Saturday, May 14, 2011

Moving Day Part1

Today we move home the BIG things from Katie's dorm room. She's not quite done yet; Wednesday she will finish up her freshman year (wow-already), and I'll need to finish moving her home then, but today we move the big stuff like the fouton-since she and I aren't going to carry it down 4 floors nor fit it in my car. Before it rains too...and they say rain for the next week practically. Yuk.
So in honor of college finals and the stress that they bring... here's a card for Katie- plus I know she does NOT like I have to tease and to make her smile with one...who resist this guy though?
All stamps are Paper Smooches...I added the line and the hangers on the hearts.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute card for your DD. Bet it will be nice having her home for the summer.


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