Friday, May 27, 2011

Long weekend-almost

It's almost the start of the weekend-one more day of work...for me, I'm grading freshman writing assessments today, no kids, but still a busy day of work...but I don't have to keep kids together. After today, I have 3weeks of teaching left and a week of exams and workdays before vacation starts...can't wait. It will fly too. I'm ready...ready for this weekend too although right now I have no definite plans...but that's ok with me.
So will come back and post photos later when I can get onto a real to check out the new Hero Arts stamps too...hope this isn't just a little peak. Have a great day!
Here's some photos from a cherry themed book I did a few years back. Cloth and paper on a board book, cherries for spring/early summer everywhere.
Love it!

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