Sunday, May 29, 2011

Summer has Arrived

It's so warm today...feels like July. I went to the lake at my Mother-in-Laws and chilled out on the dock and WENT SWIMMING-first time this season. The water was cold but felt good. Finished my book so now I can start my latest Sookie book- Dead Reckoning.
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So far its been a fun weekend.. Yesterday was cloudy and cool all day, but I did get my veggies planted and played around in the studio. Today the sun came back, with the massive droves of mosquitoes. Yuk. And last night we went to see the latest Pirates of Carribean (IV) which was enjoyable and we ran into some friends at the theatre and went out for a drink afterwards. Had some yummy tiramasu too.
They're saying this week coming up is going to be HOT-like 90. Went from cool rainy April weather to this summer heat.
But I'll take it.
Have a great Monday-Memorial Day holiday if you're from the US.

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