Saturday, June 18, 2011

Blast Off

Here's a card for a co-worker of mine who's leaving for DC. I used white cardstock and used a CHF astronomy background stamp first. Love this constellation map but don't get to use it much. Then I stamped the roadsign tag from the latest Technique Tuesday/Allie Edwards monthly set. I didn't use it as a tag though, but more as background. I'm not sure who makes the flag stamp, but I stamped that on white paper, colored it and cut it out. Needed something DC-ish. Now my friend is into out there things...(and I don't mean that in a mean way) like aliens and possible creatures like the Loch Ness Monster, so I chose the Technique Tuesday space set which I bought marked down. I stamped the Saturn on the top right and the rocket on a seperate sheet of paper, colored that and cut it out. Then from an earlier Allie Edwards set also by TT I stamped the compas. The main saying came from another monthly Allie Edwards set and the your part of that comes off of another TT/Allie Edwards set.
So it is Saturday-one week from now I will be on an extended sumemr break which I desperately need. Work has WORN me out this week. I've hardly been in the studio except to do this card, and this morning I am going to empty out my clothes from the studio closet with the hopes of getting the rack moved so I can start that end of the studio cleaning/renovation project. It's another semi-icky weather morning and so I'm going for it...can't seem to get myself moving for a walk, but tomorrow should be nice so then I will go. Of course I'm also beat...Katie had to be at work for 5:30 a.m. this morning after working until 10:30 last night so her moving woke me up and I never got back to sleep...that and a rattling bag which sounded like an animal gnawing the inside of one of my bedroom walls...that's another story.
So have a great day...I am now waking up and going to start emptying that closet...

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