Sunday, June 19, 2011

Counting Down-1 week left

This is it! 5 more days of work until summer break. 2 1/2 days with kids!!!! I am SOOOOOO ready.
Happy Father's Day to all you Dad's out there too.
Today is beautiful, sunny with a bit of a cool breeze. I think we'll be doing the shake down boat cruise today...since its Father's Day and that's what Dave wants to do. I have tons of things to do...mostly grading to get caught up with since I start exams Tuesday.
So yesterday was SOOOOO productive. Started pulling things out of the studio closet so I can get that organized and make it usable. The problem with the closet is that the clothes hang right in the open doorway and then you have to walk in through them to get to anything in the back of the walk in-my only walk in closet in the house. And there's these not really useful shelves on the back wall. So the clothes are out and the rack is going to be changed to a side wall of this closet. The shelves are coming out so I can put storage towers back there to store my fabric, yarn and sewing supplies. Right now there are things in there that haven't seen the light of day since I last cleaned the closet, maybe 3 years ago. Time does fly. So my goal is to get the closet emptied this week so next weekend Dave can come in, take out the shelves and put in more useful clothing poles.
Yesterday I also worked in the veggie garden and got some green beans planted and I gave my screen porch a GOOD cleaning-get rid of the thick yellow pine pollen that was everywhere out there.
It was a busy day, but a good day. I feel satisfied. Plus I had a BIG bowl of steamers for dinner and Episode 4 of Starwars-the original-was on Spike TV and I love the first 3 movies of that series.
So now after all that babbling on to the art.
Travel Journal Pages
Here's a page for Dave for Father's Day. I used a sheet of this star paper and I cut and used a Jenni Bowlin  journaling tag on the far right edge. Some Tim Holtz tape with a Tim Holtz postcard stamp and some red star stamps. Then I finally added some little brass ocean charms. We were in Crescent City, CA in 2009 when I snapped these.
More CA coast in 2009. For this page I took an old sheet of striped caredstock I had laying around. Added the photo which I then outlined. The words are from Stamper's Anonymous. I die cut the dragonfly and used some Mica to make the wings in the hollow part of the die cut. I just colored in the body and added the antennae. The blue loops at the bottome are also a die cut, and then I added some plain cardboard bingo pieces I happened to have.
Lastly, this sign I saw on the CA coast. I made the nautical chart by stamping a B Line stamp. The life guard chair is on some Hot Off the Press ocean sticker sheets, I colored in some of the paces. I punched the wavs and drew in some x's along the bottom. I added a die cut shell and a HOTP sticker sheel which I colored and then finally added a yellow Martha Stewart sticker that matched the danger sign in the photo and had the perfect ocean theme.
Thanks for stopping by and Happy Sunday/Father's Day!

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