Sunday, August 14, 2011


Yesterday wasn't the brightest blye sky, but it was a nice day for an airshow- The Thunderbirds and others appeard at Pease in Portsmouth, NH, and even though we didn't go to the airshow, we took our boat out on Great Bay which is right behind the runway and we watched some of the planes. Us and about 400 other boats. Wow. We anchored and relaxed and it was quite the experience-the whole thing, not just the planes but being on our boat and being with lots of other boats. I have been to airshows at runways before and I have seen the Blue Angels performing before-today we didn't have the Navy team but the Airforce Thunderbirds. Was something different.

Anyhow, not having much luck uploading photos right now, so will post some more later. Here you can see some planes flying right over the sun.
Back with more photos from the airshow.

I think they let off the smoke for those of us down in Great Bay.
This is how we must have looked, you can see boats watching the planes-these might be the Airforce Thunderbirds.

This is hard to see I guess now that it's bigger but you can see the white boats in a line coming out of Great Bay into Little Bay after the airshow. We were only going back t the marina but lots of folks went all the way out to the river and down to Portsmouth and beyond. See the Piscataqua River goes out to the see but behind it is Little Bay in which a couple of other rivers run into and then beyond (inland) from Little Bay is Great Bay in which several more rivers run into. Gives the Piscataqua the 5th worst current in the world.
On the map, you can see Great Bay and the Piscataqua River and Little Bay is the small stretch right between the words Portsmouth and Durham.

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