Saturday, August 13, 2011

Peanuts Galore

A while back I added to my Snoopy stamps and bought a couple of other character stamps from Peanuts. This is my favorite comic strip and favorite characters...though I'll be honest and say I'm NOT in any shape fanatic about them. I don't have other things around my house except that my daughter loves Snoopy and she had a stuffed Snoopy collection (gets 1 every year in her Christmas stocking). And as for the stamps, I don't have tons of them, maybe about 10 now that I bought a few others. Is 10 enough for a collection?
These cards are made especially for my daughter-the Snoopy lover- that I'll send off to her when she goes back to college in a couple of weeks. I tried to give them some theme so I could send them when she's frustrated or feeling over- whelmed....
This is my favorite...along with Snoopy I used some older Technique Tuesday stamps and a splash stamp I had.
So yesterday was a productive and gorgeous summer day- beautiful blue skies and not too hot. I started off by walking, then bringing Katie breakfast up to her job at the boat ramp at the lake- saw the eagle flying over the fish hatchery on my way out. Then went and picked some more blueberries, vaccuumed my dirty house, scrapbooked, read on the screen porch, did laundry and cleaned out the hot tub which was also pretty icky. LOVE busy days when you accomplish what you want and have fun and see something cool like the eagle and am creative and productive scrapping-did a bunch of pages in my Grand Canyon book.
My kind of day!
Hope yours was great too and that today is also just a fantastic for both you and me!

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