Monday, August 29, 2011

Back to School

It's the official start of the work year for me!
Summer has been great, went at a nice pace, was a lot of fun, and now it is ALREADY time for routine, schedules and productivity.
I don't mind working but don't want to give up my laid back mental mode.
But in another way, the schedule will feel good.
Tough to give up the can do it today or tomorrow mind frame.
Tough to give up the morning walks and the hours in the studio playing.
Not that I can't do either AFTER work.
I do hate the having to get up and be on a time schedule.
But I've done this for so long I can do it some more.
I am writing this Sunday evening and so I am assuming we have work and the storm hasn't changed anything. Since our power is back and we didn't get the storm as bad as they originally said-Irene moved a bit west of here-but we did get TONS of rain and some yard is covered in leaves- but not the issue some people had so I will count my blessings.
So my card for today is more because of my mental health rather than physical health. I started with a long pink cardstcok card and I stamped red crosses over it, using Kim Hughes' feel better set from Cornish Heritage Farm set. Then on white I stamped the little buggies from that same set and colored them with some nice bright Copics.  I also added the stethescope. Then I attached it, added the sayings, and that was it. VERY SIMPLE but a fun little card to cheer up anyone, even me in my back to work mode.

Have a great day yourself...and if you're a bit down in dumps yourself
feel better soon!

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