Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Made it through day 1

Not that I had any doubt I would. This was the first day of my 27th year teaching at present school, the first day of my 28th year teaching high school.
It wasn't even a stressful day.
I think the biggest stress I had was when I came home and scrap journaled my NC photos for a couple hours...had a general dissatisfaction...thought it was my pages...and then decided it wasn't the pages but it was the flow of one page to the next. They just didn't work together.
Glad to figure it out-it does take one thing off your tired mind...if you know how it is when you just don't like the way something you create. It kind of gets under your thoughts and nags at you, keeps picking and poking and your brain just keeps turning it around.
Latest read. Have never read one of her Tracy Chevalier's books but am enjoying it.
So here's a couple of quick snaps I took yesterday morning on my way to work- of the minor damage from  hurricane/tropical storm Irene.
Don't know if you can see it or not but there's a tree down in the road pulling an electrical wire down with it. And you can see all the leaves down and some little branches down on my road and driveway.

We were lucky...no basement/house flooding, only lost power for a couple of hours...I am grateful.
Happy Tuesday

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