Monday, August 8, 2011

The Beach

In the beach was a warm day and I put on the ac and stayed cool. Nights on the beach are the best. Here's some people crabbing on the beach in Duck, NC from our trip. I wish I was sitting on the beach right now although I had a great day at home and I am sitting with my family which is always the best.
Not a great photo, but we had this full moon and it lit the beach and the water...and moved in and out of the clouds...soooo beautiful.

And some darkened sunlight on the water. And the setting sun on the sound...
It is so beautiful.
So I think I wanted a slow day (hence the beach photos)...and even though I hung home most of the day (after a trip to visit Kate at the lake and a great morning walk)- today flew. Had lots of plans...but didn't seem to get them half done. Didn't even get as much studio time as I wanted....but I could stayed in there all day and I was in there a good chunk of the day. Having so much fun with my SMASH altered book. The day just FLEW by. And since it is August 8th, You know, you get into the last few weeks of vacation and suddenly realize you have all these things to do...or that you wanted to do or think you need to get done....but I am also in summer mode don't care if I do much of anything a few books, scrap, just have fun. Don't feel I need to do all that much....wish I could stay that way and not have an end to my vacation...guess when I retire.
Anyhow...I'm off to visit my mom tomorrow....trying to be a good daughter this summer- and then the rest of the week is mine. Not that visiting mom is a bad chore, but it is a bit of a trip- 2+ hours each way, and I do feel it is important to see Mom since she is 81...and my mom...and it'll be fun to have something to do tomorrow so I don't totally turn into a summer bum...
ok, this is just going no where. Thanks for visiting...and listening to me unload my simple empty brain.

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