Tuesday, August 9, 2011

home from Mom's

Spent the day traveling, got up in a GROG...(hate when you wake up at like 3:30 a.m. and when you finally fall to sleep and then wake up you are in a grog)...went down to Massachusetts to visit my mom, saw my brother and my niece too...was a nice visit-not exciting but nice...and did go out to lunch...anyhow...
everyone was happy with the visit...
part of me is looking forward to spending tomorrow making zucchini breads from the major stash of squash my bother gave me...part of me feels like I need to go do something wild sicne I've had some pretty quiet days lately...
gonna rain some more...it started raining tonight...cloudy day...good day to go driving and visiting...and tomorrow if I wake up groggy...I am going to go back to sleep!

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