Friday, August 19, 2011

Playing with the Camera

Today was a humid and lazy day. Went to a 40th birthday party for a friend in my bookclub last night at a local Mexican restaurant and then came home and sat up late watching the recorded episode Project Runway I had missed from earlier that night , so today I was dragging a bit-plus was feeling a bit under the weather- nothing horrible but just not perfect. Anyhow- Played with my camera a bit this morning, when I was walking and up at the lake visiting my daughter while she worked at the boat ramp. Saw the eagle again this morning-think my spirit animal is an eagle, have had too many close encounters with one and I do share some personality traits with them...of course my daughter thinks I'm nuts saying that.
The rest of the day was kind of lazy...just puttered around the house and read my latest read-it's a great discovery Louise Penny and her Quebecois detective Gamache. I'm reading Bury Your Dead and want to read some of the earlier books in this series.

OK, here's some of days photos from my iPhone with my Hipstamatic app-my favorite app.
Doesn't the light play just perfect on this mushroom? Where's the fairy?

Miss Katie

A slight lie-I took this when I was working at the boat ramp last Sunday.

Design on the beach chair

Nice depth to this photo...and nice lighting.

Sign on the end of boat dock.

Merrymeeting Lake-a favorite place

Boat dock at the boat ramp

Sunlight on rocks under the water

Water scene from last Sunday

Another water scene from Sunday

Thanks once again for stopping by.

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