Thursday, August 18, 2011

Snippets of summer

So I want to show you some photos today. Just the right thing to do. Maybe I've been mentally starting to prepare myself for summer winding down and I want to be back into the thick of it. I really do-

Been blueberry picking a couple of times-don't they look yummy?
FUN lobster (I should say lobstah) statue at the marina where we keep our boat
Summer is about the beach, especially since Dave and I went to the Outer Banks of North Carolina for almost a week in July. I am ready to go back.
And  Merrymeeting Lake. Both of these photos are of the lake.

The farm where I picked blueberries and raspberries.
And of course, flowers in my garden. These lilies were beautiful.
I can feel it's starting to get away from us-the mid/late August weather change when we get the first cool nights. Kind of like those cool nights, must admit. So this morning on my walk I was thinking about what I thought summer would be and what it actually was. In a lot of ways it was what I expected, but I did plan of taking more roadtrips once we got back from North Carolina. That didn't happen, but that's not a bad things as I've had a GREAT summer so far and I've been plenty busy...didn't really miss those roadtrips. Maybe I'll take them in the fall, to see the leaves change colors. I will say I did relax and enjoy the summer--really slowed down my pace, and I really enjoyed doing that.
What 's been special about your summer?

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