Friday, September 30, 2011

10 Things Right Now Friday

It is time once again for the 10 things right now list. Me being list maker, I am finding I like doing this...but hopefully today I can think of 10 things.
(I suppose I could change it to 5 things right now, eh?)
1- Been making a bunch of Halloween cards in my goal to make 31. I'm hovering around half way done. Yahoo!
2-It is the last and final day of September, which has been kind of a long month.  I need to mentally move onto another month- even though I must admit usually September is a nice month-though we have had a bit of too much heat this year-well I should say we've had too many extremes-hot and also chilly .
3-I am looking forward to October even though October is a very BUSY month for me with lots of birthdays (mom, hubby, daughter and a few others) and my wedding anniversary and should be a fun month with lots of smiles.
4- Speaking of my wedding anniversary- I might be going away with the hubby for it to Cape Cod for a night. It all depends if he's got to go to a work related retirement party down the cape the day after our anniversary and if the weather is nice. I hope we get to go...I would love to have a little change of scenery at this time of year.
5-I am at the haf way point of the first quarter of the school year. Holy Cow- let me take what I said before back. Time is flying by.
6-I'm still hoping to get apple picking this weekend...and then make some apple crisp. That would taste delicious right now.
7- I'm reading some Sookie Stackhouse from the Sookie Stackhouse companion. I don't like the short story as much as the vampire ones...but let's see if Eric shows up in the story as it goes. And I really want to reread a few of the novels-especially the one where Eric has amnesia.
8- I need a  "me" day off from work. Just to stay home and play, go for a walk in the morning, sleep a little later. I don't want to take a day right now though...the school year still has a lot of time to go to start taking a mental health day. I may take the 12th off to go visit my Mom on her birthday. Next weekend is the long weekend, which I am looking forward to.
9- I want to rent the movie Bridesmaids since I heard it's really funny. Hoping Redbox will have it in another week or 2. Or maybe Katie can bring it home for me  from school since she owns it.
10-Last weekend I bought a donut baker maker at Target on sale and I am going to try it out this weekend- see if it was worth the cash. I love donuts...yum-yum.

I went back and read the other 10 things right now lists for September and it is interesting to see how things have changed from week to week. Like this activity...really makes you think about wherer you are and what's going on in your life. Another 10 things will be up next Friday!

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