Thursday, September 29, 2011

It has been Nutty

It's Thursday-this week has been cruising right by, which is a surprise, but then I've been Really busy at work. It does seem that as soon as you get to almost the end of the week the time SLOWS let's hope that doesn't happen!  It's been one of those weeks when I've been tired at night...last night finished just one card (that was already half finished) and then tried to finish another half done card, but that didn't go anywhere. Too tired to come up with anything very creative. I'm hoping tonight to meet my friend Vicky for dinner, I need a break in the work week routine so meeting her here in town is a good thing. Maybe a little change will recharge me.
So you can see I've done a bunch of CHF Kim Hughes and Paper Smooches cards lately. This one is fun, love this hanging squirrel. It is an EASY card too. I used white cardstock, and stamped the acorns (CHF) which I colored yellow. Then I lightly brushed on some blue ink for the sky-yes, today's card is suppose to have a blue tint to it. Then I stamped Mr. Squirrel on white paper, colored him and cut him out. He's glued down by looks like he's hanging on some brown baker's twine. Then I stamped the words on white, colored and outlined the square, and attached it.
And there you go. Wonder how Katie liked it since she's does NOT like squirrels. But I think it is FUNNY.
Have a great day and thanks for visiting.

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