Friday, September 9, 2011

10 things right now

I've done these posts before, but not for awhile. It is fun to go through and list 10 things about yourself right now...and then down the road to read them. I did this about a year ago...and that is WAY TOO LONG! I think at least.I should try to do one at least every couple of months.

1-I am in the end of summer but not yet fall limbo, wanting the cool days and nights but not wanting to let go out the summer weather
2-Am -really focused on school as it is only week 2 and so far really like my classes-they all have their own distinct personalities
3-Into scrap journalling my summer vacation photos from the Outer Banks. I could do that about 6 hours a day. Would love 6 hours a days of free time to work. Maybe I could give up sleeping?
4- Waiting for my paycheck since I haven't had one since June. Feeling really broke.
5-Tired of doing garden work-especially picking tomatoes but loving having good things to eat-this is the time of year the gardens start to get a little ratty looking.
6-Wishing I had a long weekend away planned for Columbus weekend (feeling too broke to plan one)but am thinking about a couple of fun day trips I wouldn't mind taking in a few weekends once we clean up the boat
7-Missing Katie being back at school
8-Missing having as much outside time as I did when I was home for summer vacation
9-Really enjoying reading right now-really big into mysteries
10-Jealous of one of my friend's at work who is going back to Southern France over Christmas break and wishing I had a European vacation planned for February-I really want to go back to Southern France and about 1000 other places. That could still happen though...well maybe not Europe but maybe someplace else. Maybe?

How about you?
Can you tell me 10 things about yourself right now?

So since I mentioned my scrap journalling addiction as of late in my lis above, let me show you 3 more pages...

So you ask who journals a water tower? Weirdo me obviously. I did it because the street we stayed on in Duck, NC was right across from the water tower so it became a focus of our driving. You know, let's look for the water tower so we don't miss our turn...after an evening out and a few glasses of wine it also helped when we walked back to the house my friend was renting...Got it? I photoshoped some journalling about that in right on the photo, and to make this page I used a piece of 8x8 paper on my white watercolor paper and then layered a 6x6 square. I put down a stripe of post marked sticker. Added the photo on top of that. I drew in the arrows...this not so great photo seemed to need them. I used a Cat's Life Press road trip stamp which I embossed in blackcolored in lots of black dots with a Sharpie, added a bring on the fun sticker...not that the water tower promised fun but once we could find where we were going we could have fun and then I added the blue label sticker which I stamped with a duck, colored it and added the quack.

OK< I am a major geek and I photographed this sign as my hubby buzzed by in our rental car. I did have this question, because in New Hampshire we don't ever have alligators (just bear, moose, eagles and a few other elusive critters).And, I did have to look up to see if there really could be alligators here. I was hoping one would have walked across the road- and there are red wolves here too and I have never seen a wild wolf.
Anyhow...before I geek out too much...I used some Martha Stewart would grain paper for the background, laid out a tage that I colored and outlined, used some Distress stained grungeboard letters, some 7Gypsies tape, an old EK Success paper clip with a die face on it that I found in my stash, and I stamped the FUNNY Ken Brown stamp on white-he has some fun stamps like ladies in bacthingsuits riding alligators, which I colored and cut out. I think I had about as much chance of seeing a woman riding the alligator as I did seeing an alligator.

And lastly, another sign I snapped from car as we drove by. Great saying I think, and all of these pages are at the begining of my journal, setting the stage so to speak. For this page I used some paper that has been sitting in my stash forever, some more 7Gypsies tape, a stamped saying on the photos, some white chipboard flowers from forever ago that I filled the centers with red Stickles, a small clear ticket ephemera I had in my stash, a few added words. Think it is nice way to sum up what we hoped our days at the beach would be.

Thanks for visiting.

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