Saturday, September 10, 2011

Beautiful Day ahead

It's a gorgeous sunny day here in New Hampshire...suppose to be mostly blue skies and in the 70's-LOVE IT! Me and Harl went for a great morning walk-let him into the woods along the way and he ran like a crazy dog, leaping over downed trees and all those happy dog things dogs do. I was just checking into this online class  Jennifer MacGuire is teaching in at Inspiration Showcase that I subscribed too...can't wait to learn some fun new techniques. Class starts Monday and I can't wait! This class was taught at my favorite craft store, Aboslutely Everything in Topsfield, MA last spring but due to an email change I never knew about it until it was too late. Everyone has been raving about it, so I am SO excited I get the chance to take it.
So here's a card for the day... I made this for Katie last weekend. Most of the stamps are by Kim Hughes, but when she designed for Cornish Heritage Farms. I wanted to say moose you, something that was in my head when I was making the I wrote them in on the clouds, just for fun.  When finished I still thought the card needed some kind of design element, so I added the dotted circle which is from Fontwerks, I believe another extinct stamp company from the past. I use this design set a lot...and I got it in a set of used items from eBay and not even the stamp I bought I set for. Funny how that happens, you get something for 1 item and end up using something else from the bunch more.
And here's my latest read. I enjoyed the last Louise Penney book so much that I picked up this, the first Inspector Gamanche novel.
So last evening Katie surprised me by coming home for dinner...she was here when I arrived after school, so we went shopping and had a nice supper...then she left. I was a bit miffed at the hubby, well more than a bit miffed, and still am, since we wanted hockey game tickets for when UNH plays UMO at Fenway Park in January, and he kind of dumped it in my lap, and when I managed to get lucky and get some tickets, he didn't even thank me....and he knows since I just got paid yesterday (after no pay all summer) I had a lot of bills to pay out this check. A "that's great" or a "thanks" or a "good job" would have been NICE!  I am just wanting to go off to my fav. craft store today and leave him all day...
Anyhow, it is TOO nice of a day to waste complaining (but I feel SO much better getting ti off my chest)!!!
Thanks to those of you who stop by to visit!

1 comment:

  1. Words in the clouds are so fun~ This card makes me feel warm and sunny too!


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