Friday, October 28, 2011

10 Things Friday

Didn't I just write this?
1- It has gotten raw and COLD. They say only in the 40's this weekend.
2- Last night on my way home from open house I had to drive through some heavy driving snow. The kind that mesmerizes you so you can easily get confused.  YUK! Luckily the roads were clear and the snow lightened up once I got further inland. But we do have a dusting on the grass and deck. YUK!
3-Party weekend is coming up since it have 2 important birthdays to celebrate this weekend. Then with Halloween on Monday...
I need to make those candy corn cupcakes for Mr. Hubby's birthday.
4-There is only 1 full week (and 2 exam days) left to this quarter. 1/4 of the school year just about finished.
5- I still need to finish my book, Armand the Vampire, by Anne Rice. I am sooo close to the end though.Maybe this weekend. (Because I really want to start reading The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides.)
6- I am taking a personal day today. Loving it! And My friend Ina is in town and I get to see her tonight. And I didn't have to get up at 4:45 today!!!!
7-Last night was the finale of this latest season of Project Runway. Since I am typing this before the show ends Thursday night, I can't say right now who won. I can live with any of them EXCEPT Josh. He's too much of a man diva.
8-I am planning on spending a huge chunk of time in the studio today. I am SOOO excited about that. I want to finish up my birthday cards and maybe scrap  or work on my weird things book. I am so excited to have some me home alone time.
9-I am looking forward to November. It is always a quiet and mellow month after such a HECTIC October. I love October, but I am always ready for the peace and quiet of November BEFORE another busy holiday month-December. November is usually not too wintery too, although since we have a super early accumulating snow (ok, just a baby bit of snow) so early...
10-I am going through an art talent doubter. Sometimes I look back at my blog posted art and say, ugh, what a mess. And sometimes I look and say wow. Sometimes items look better in a photo and sometimes in person. It is a great learning experience. I am really in color lately. I am also kind of a grungy messy styler, and I need to stop being so doubtful that being that is bad. I need to let go of older pieces and move onto new pieces. Lately, I have been LOVING scrap booking. I have playing a lot with stenciling and light bold beachy colors-but pale shades and tones too...trying different styles per page...doing my Outer Banks photos. But I do think I take really good photographs of things. I feel good about that.

So that's it for another 10 things. A good mental stimulation and challenge every week.

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