Thursday, October 27, 2011

Long Day Ahead

8th grade open house is tonight, so I will be late coming home. Not so bad since tomorrow is a personal day for me and I am going to spend it staying warm in my studio-after sleeping in  first!!!!! Quite looking forward to some time for me.
BUT they are saying SNOW today!!! SNOW!!!!!!!
I want to vomit!!!!!!!!
Let's not think abouth that since I slept so poorly last night and now I am dragging.
A few more October photos to regale you with.
Can you make out the seal's face? Back from my Sunday afternoon on Cape Cod.

View down the shore at the Marconi Station on the outer arm of Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

Not sure if this is an estuary or a river. Eastham, MA on the Cape.

These are photos from Dave and my roadtrip a few Sunday's ago when it was gorgeous, sunny and fairly warm. Not like the raw wet day today is...

Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I miss Boston. Snow. Wow. That's rough. We have it tough here in Wisconsin as well. Take care!


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