Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Beautiful Day

Oh it is warming up and is suppose to be- and you can tell will be- a BEAUTIFUL day. I have apple picking on my agenda and some chores around the house. Slept late and took a great walk this morning. Oh yes, just what a long weekend day should be. And last night I went to Costco and Trader Joe's with Katie and spent way too much $$$$-more than the usual-but got myself a electric blanket for the bed-felt great last night on these chilly nights before we turn on the heat, and also picked up this new Martha Stewart Holiday craft book. Some fantastic ideas in there.
Martha Stewart's Handmade Holiday Crafts: 225 Inspired Projects for Year-Round Celebrations

Martha is the queen of holiday crafts...although some of her ideas who would go to trouble to do...ok, maybe me...we bought a pumpkin yesterday and may try a little super carving technique...seeing my present technique is about first grade carve a grin and 2 triangular eyes....and she has some other adaptable ideas for all you creative types...

Anyhow, to make this a quick post so I can go enjoy my day, here's another Halloween card...
Using 2 die cuts...a Cheery Lynn circle background and a Memory Box house. Except for the Hero Arts Trick or Treat words, the rest hand drawn in. I started with an orange cardstock base and punched the circle background on printed paper. The house was punched on black. I attached it to an ornage paper base and drew in all the embellishments- bats, pumpkns, curtains. The moon is a small cicle punched on yellow paper. Attach, outline. And there you go. Would trick or treat at this house?

A close up, doors shut. I did cut off some of the closed window shutter and added Spica black gliter pen lines to make the house look "really" haunted and run down.

Here's the house close up with front doors open. Notice the black Viva dots I added too. Forgot to mention those in the above narrative.
Happy Saturday. Enjoy your weekend.

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