Friday, October 7, 2011

10 Things Right Now Friday

Another Friday has arrived. That means it is time for me to list my 10 things right now.

1- I am TIRED! Last night was late with parent's open house at school.
2- But the good news is that today is a teacher workshop day and then we have a long Columbus Day weekend. Yahoo! Long weekend and less stressful Friday. Who can ask for more?
3- I still want to get apple picking this weekend! (Time for picking apples will be over very very soon).
4- We pull the boat this weekend-and it is suppose to be warm so I look forward to one more cruise for the season. But honestly, I am ready for it to go away for awhile. Not the Hubby though. Think he might actually cry when we pull it out.
5-I finished my 31 Halloween cards!!!!! (And did a few more too!)
6- Katie and I are going on a mini-road-trip after work today. Heading down to Costco and Trader Joe's-2 of my favorite stores. Plus, I need to stock up at home...we're getting pretty decimated. She better not change her mind!
7- I'm hoping the weather holds out so we can do our Cape Cod anniversary trip and get in some beach walking at the National Seashore next weekend. A little scenery change would do me head some good, never mine my soul and my brain and all the rest! I am really excited about that! This weekend they say it will be beautiful! That's exciting.
8- I should also buy some plane tickets for a February vacation to escape winter. Have been starting to look online...Phoenix? New Mexico? Maybe some place else? Been looking at New Mexico and it looks really exotic and different. Like that.
9-Another weekend goal I am thinking about-not having any goals! That and sleeping in! Just take this weekend as it comes, have some fun and relax! I should want to get some little project done but I don't care right now if I get something done or not.
10- It is dark by 7 pm now....oh the days are starting to close in.  And this morning, it is SO COLD. The house is only 61 degrees since we haven't turned up the heat yet. I'm in fleece and flannels...trying to stay cozy and warm. Can't bear to put the heat on yet but man, it would feel good. It is fall, isn't it?

Since my interet is back...let me show you those cards you didn't get to see yesterday.
I am really happy with this card...where the inspiration came from, I don't kno w but to think of it is what makes me pleased with myself. I'm not always good of thinking of stamps that are put away in a different box to combine with other stamps. But I did here! I got this scroll off of eBay quite recently, it is by Postmodern Design which are stamps I collect. And I thought it might work with this witches brew recipe stamp from Stamp Francisco. I started with an orange card, added the spider web which was cut with a Memory Box die. I added some clear glitter to it. Then I added the spider (Martha Stewart) and some glitter to make the hanging web material Then I added the stamped and cut out cauldron (also Martha Stewart) and some bright green Stickles.

So another potion card, this time with lots of stamps from Artistic Outpost and 1 from River City Rubberworks. I just got the Artistic Outpost Apothecary and Halloween stamps last week, and I LOVE the bottle that I colored green. They are such fun sets. To make this card I used green cardstock and green houndstooth paper, added the objects along with some Martha Stewart Halloween trim and some black Viva dots. I also added a line from the Memory Box Halloween saying stamp-the bubble,bubble, toil and trouble... and the tombstone is a wooden embellishment that I painted with Viva iron paint and added some tombstone embellishments like some dates and a star...obviously someone didn't read the instructions on their meds and bottles....
Here's a close up.

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