Sunday, October 30, 2011

Birthday #2 For the

Here's the birthday girl-20 years old today!!!!! The photo is back from warmer and greener times...before we had a late October nor-easter...I can't believe my baby is going to be longer a teenager, into a new decade of her life. Wow.
Well the snow seems to have stopped coming down. Dave took a measurement and got 16 inches on our deck! And luckily, we have power since there's like 300,000 people in the state without power. Lets hope it stays on but if not we'll fire up the woodstove and make do. We do have a generator we can run a few things on, so we are not helpless. It is strangely pretty-my oak tress with white on their leaves, the colors tempered with white, but also a little too wintery for late October. Later this week I will put up photos....I don't hate winter, but our northern winters are long enough as it is and I am just not ready for winter to start yet.( Call me a short winter gal- 2 months is about all I like then it needs to go away!It is not even the cold, but I feel stuck with snow. Stuck inside...having to give up my gardens and easy walking...having the extra snow removal work...driving in the snow-we picked up Katie at work last night at 10:30 and the roads were NASTY...but  having a snow day and hanging around inside isn't just seems it goes on and on and there's SO many days like that) One more month of fall...but you just don't know about the weather in New England. (and I saw on the Weather Channel if was snowing as far south as Washington DC is quite the BIG storm).

So instead of wintery photos, I will show you some beautiful oceany photos from back a few weeks ago on our last trek onto the water for the season. It was a summery day for sure then-well into the 80's and sunny.
and a fishing boat
part of the fleet (here below) in Portsmouth Harbor

This is kind of an interesting little building on the wharf
The birthday girl a few weeks ago.

Lobster traps on a floating dock
Not so great shot of the current going into Little Bay under the General Sullivan Bridge.
And here's one of the bridges from Portsmouth, NH into Kittery, Maine along the Piscataqua River between Great Bay and the Atlantic.
Ok, that's a lot of photos, but I feel so much better showing them and being reminded they were only a couple of weeks back shows how quickly things can change. So this snow will melt and we'll go back to fall and cool.  BUT, at least it is Sunday and I can stay home and at least we don't have to have a snow day at school already. And at least it should melt since we'll be back in the 50's as the week progresses, which is a GREAT thought to keep in your head. And, it is a good day to go hide in the studio for awhile or to read on the couch all afternoon...and we are having a big birthday dinner later this afternoon before Katie goes back to school...and of course, birthday cake(s) (well cupcakes and pie) for both Dave and Katie!
Thanks for stopping by.

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