Saturday, October 29, 2011

It's Birthday #1 This Weekend

This handsome guy is celebrating his birthday today!!!!!
He's catching up to me...51 years old!!

Love you big guy!

Ok, and this weather is TOO confused this year. The other night we had a lovely dusting of snow...but at least the roads stayed only wet and not white. I do remember other Octobers when we'd get a little dusting, and I do remember COLD snaps like this one we are having now. Here's a few photos I snapped yesterday morning.
Flowers on my deck snowed over.
Dave's truck and the leaves STILL on the trees.
Harley and my garden.
My yard. The leaves are actually prettier colors now than they were back when they were suppose to be at peak color. Seems our warm fall has pushed everything back.
And that might be a problem
Because today they are forcasting a nor-easter to come in...starting as heavy wind and rain and changing to snow.
5-10 inches of snow!!!
I never remember a BIG winter storm in October, and I have lived in New England for all 51 years of my life. I've even lived much further north in New England, in North-Central Maine, up into the spruce-fur forests, and we never had a nor-easter in October.
Plus if a lot the leaves come down and mix with the snow.
This morning we need to get out and clean out the yard and I need to bake Dave some cupcakes for his birthday celebration...especially since Katie needs to work tonight and we'll be driving her since the truck has 4 wheel drive and her car doesn't.
Dave gets to have snowstorm on his birthday!
Happy Birthday, this will be one to remember!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you have a lot of room to garden! Bet it's beautiful in the summer. It's beautiful now (yes, even with all that snow!). Look forward to going through your archives about the garden.

    Thanks for coming by my blog. Have a good weekend.



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