Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Good morning-yawn!!!!- or should I say Good afternoon since I am writing this at about 5 p.m. last night after having a piece of apple pie (yummy) and changing my mental direction before heading to the studio. A slight fall chill has seemed to arrived-(it was only 33 yesterday morning when I left for work- my first day in my favorite warm aran sweater I bought in Ireland years ago and that I live in ALL winter.)
Thought I would share some fall colors with you-natures picks.

I snapped all of these with my iPhone on the way to work on various assorted mornings in the last couple of weeks. Not the best photos since they are quick snaps from inside the car, but it has been a great show as I drive...who needs the radio or CD to keep you awake? The bottom 2 of this group were from yesterday morning (10/24) and you can see how it is still pretty dark compared to a few weeks back in the top 2 photos.
I just say WOW!
And here's another morning a week or 2 ago.
All I can say is that there is a reason to be up at that early grrrr....hour and driving off to work...a bit of a treat I'd miss if I had to sleep in.
OK, I need something to make me feel beter about getting up in a chilly house when I'd rather stay snuggled in my nice warm bed.
Thanks for stopping by.
I appreciate your visiting.

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