Monday, October 24, 2011


October is a really photogenic month. The leaves, pumpkins, apples, scarecrows....lots of things to take pictures of. I took these back during Columbus weekend when we went apple picking...the farm we go to is one of those picturesque New England farms with awhite clapboard  house that was build about 200 or more years ago. They also sell pumpkins...and I especailly love the reflection in the old truck.
So another week begins. Yesterday we didn't get a lot of sun but we did get Katie and go walk the beach in York, Maine. I love beach walking and I got to do it 2 weeks in a row!!! Plus we discovered a great wood fired pizza place and bakery. Was a good day and a good way to wrap up the weekend. And back to work...
I can't believe we have only 2 weeks left in this quarter at school either. September was a LONG month and October has FLOWN. Pretty soon 1/4 of the school year will be done with.
But who's rushing time?
Thanks for visiting.

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