Sunday, October 23, 2011

Getting down there with my 31 Halloween cards. Just a few more to go.  But we only have about a week until it is Halloween...
So this card is on grey cardstock...which I first lightly stamped some grey bats (Hero Arts) using this great background stamp.  I took a thin black pen and outlined the edges. The ghosts are die cuts with a Sizzix die, cut with white paper and then stamped with a Cherry Pie stamp. I then added some black lacey tape, but it has this cool spooky feel to it. Then I added the ghosts and put outlined the bottom edges in grey Copic. I then added the chipboard letters and some white Viva dots.
Oh yes, forget to mention I tok a Black Sharpie and colored in where the eyes are.
So yesterday I CLEANED a lot. I stamed cleaned all my first floor drapes and I moved furniture and vacced behind it and I cleaned the bathroom. I scrapped for about 3 hours in the later afternoon when I had some fabulous home alone down time and I made an apple pie, plus had a nice little fire in my fireplace last night. Just the kind of day I needed.
And today...I'm sure it will bring some adventures. The plan is to go visit Katie and she and I want to go beach walking.  That means Dave and Harley will walk with us to...but we shall see.
Have a nice back soon with something else to show you.

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