Thursday, October 6, 2011

This Week is FLYING by

This week is buzzing right by- though today is a long day for me-we have parent's open house tonight so I'll leave at 6:30 a.m. and won't get home until probably 9 p.m. Oh well...not a big complaint...just hope I'm home in time for Project Runway (LOL). Tomorrow the kids are off and it is teacher workday...and we actually have some useful things to do...our school is in the midst of re-accreditation and we have work do (Better today than after school when you're tired from a day with kids)  and we also have to set goals for this year-which I think is more administrative busy work for us but since we have to do it, we at least have time-I HOPE! I need some ideas for goals this is all new and I have no clue what they want from us...I set goals for myself every year as I think most good teachers do but these goal have partticular formats and have to impact the kids...I believe...who knows. I can't even find the goal sheets in my email so someone better point me in the right direction.
Enough said.
Tonight will be and last night was CHILLY...maybe we'll even have our first is too dark to tell right now.
OK, on to the GOOD stuff. More Halloween cards.

OK, no Halloween cards. My line must have gone down at home as we have no phone or internet right now. It died last night while I was trying to download a photo or 2. I don't have any photos here at work to download SO...........
Let's see when it is back up...
Until later then...

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