Thursday, November 10, 2011

End of the work week

Woke up this morning feeling icky. Throat and chest cold....GRRR. I am going to stay home and go back to bed....I know if I work I wil have NO voice at about the end of my first class. Plus I am just feeling plain under the weather...and all I want to do is go back to bed once I can call in...(pretty bad when you're up earlier than you can call in sick but I was awake since Dave had to get out early and I needed to email in sub plans.)
Anyhow, today I will show you 3 scrap-journal pages that use tape. That is all they really have in common, other than they are part of my OBX journal from last summer.
Horrible shadow here from the binder, but here is the hubby at Kitty Hawk. I stenciled on the page and did some inking and added some green tape and doodled the words and borders and added some gold shiny stars and some blue Dimensional Paint dots (Ranger) and some blue eyelets....

And here is my good friend Ina and myself. If you ignore the words on the top left corner, I made this page strictly put putting pieces of tape onto water color paper. Then I added the photo. I did make this tag out of acetate and using Staz On ink I stamped the sayings and some leaves, which I colored.

And finally, pelicans. Now I might be losing my mind, but maybe I showed you this page already. I stamped the fish (Studio 490) in brown and blue inks to make the base. Then added both polka dot tape and blue tape, the post card, a bit of doodling, the bracket die cut and some glass fish beads. The tape here is similar to the page at the top, only it's on the opposite side. And in another way, the pages are similar in lay out too, only there's no stamped background on the top page and some embellishment differences.
So that is my art for the day! Enjoy yours

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