Friday, November 11, 2011

Ten Things Friday-11/11/11 edition

1- I love it! It is 11/11/11!!!!!
Plus it is a holiday and we have no school and Katie is home!
2- My 2 new ecology classes started this week.  And I am glad it is second quarter....not any less busy at work but there is something relaxing about second quarter (maybe how it is so broken up by holidays and a vacation) just like November tends to be less stressful than both October and December for me.
3- So this week Holiday Card Bootcamp class started on-line. So far, it is good, waiting for some real wow cards to come which I expect they will. Still, I love looking at other people's art. It is so inspriring.
4-Still in a major knitting mood. Hat is coming along quickly.
5-I am  used to the time change...but I feel like I am still spending too much time in the dark.  I need another outdoor day, a day when it is in the 60's (don't know if I will get that) and sunny and I can squeeze in a couple of hours of raking so I don't have to do it in the spring. Eevn though I raked the other day it now looks like I didn't rake at all. I am hoping maybe if I can do a bit on Sunday...I will at least get a bit on top of all those leaves. And if I am not up to raking, at least get outside for a little bit.
6- I also bought a groupon French course with Started it this week too which is pretty fun, maybe I can get over that hump I have with French. I have been trying to learn it for a year and a half now, and it does come along pretty well and I have learned a lot, but then I reach this bump where I seem to get stuck and feel stupid and incapable of learning any more without moving to a French speaking place for a long period of time. Not that I think I have to be an expert or anything, but I would LOVE to be semi-fluent and able to function in French.
7- Tomorrow I am going shopping with my friend Vicky and it will be a great girls morning out! Can't wait.
8- This cold is still there- but I do feel a lot better than I did yesterday morning. I just want it to totally go away!!!! Yesterday I lounged all day and slept and read a lot of the Marriage Plot. It helped and I needed to recoop like that.I really need my glands in my neck to de-swell since they are uncomfortable.
9-I am hoping I feel even perkier later today to go for a little roadtrip with Katie and Brian down to Costco and Trader Joe's since I need so many things and I was planning on going for 2 weeks now.
10-I am still debating what to do about tires for my car, which is turning into a bigger deal than I want it to be. I just want to go buy 2 front tires but Dave says snow tires would be better...hopefully he'll just go for me tomorrow and get it squared away since I could care less about tires...and I have always been so good at just going and geting them...I usually take care of my own car stuff in most things...

And before I forget
A Big Thank You to all you Vetrans whom we have this day for, especially for my Uncle Russell and Uncle Bob- Uncle Russell was a bomber for the RAF during WWII and made it all the way into his last flight (when he would have been done) and then their plane got shot but luckily the pilot was able to land it in neutral Sweden, which Uncle Russell spoke fluently. So he survived and spent the rest of the war there working as an aide to the general . And then there was Uncle BOb who served in both WWII and Korea on a submarine (and growing up in Downeast Maine couldn't even swim).
And of course, my own DAD, I miss you!!! He was in intelligence during WWII in India and China spying on the Japanese. Wish you were still here to tell your stories but I can hear them in my head and I won't forget them!

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