Friday, December 16, 2011

10 Things Friday

1-Katie comes home today! Her semester is over when she finishes her Physics 2 exam this morning and she'll be home until around January 22cd. I'm excited she's coming home but it always means a few adjustments- you do get used to not having her around.
2- The cold weather has arrived! Well, sort of-this morning we're back into the 45 degree area at 5 a.m. But we've had some chilly but not frigid days. Winter is just a few days away so it is not unexpected, but so far no BIG snows that have stayed on the ground.
3-I started to wrap my gifts. That's a big thing-but wish I was finished. I guess the wrapping supplies will just be sitting in my livingroom for a few days until we all finish wrapping.
4-It has been so hard to get up in the morning this week-dark and cold. I could sleep until like 9 a.m. every morning. Hibernation mode is here.
5- One more week until the holiday, AND one more week until vacation. I can't wait and other than the holiday family plans, I am not scheduling anything that week.
What a long week this has been!
6- I don't know if its the dark, me being tired, lack of sun, too much on my brain, but I am feeling kind of spacey lately. My brain just isn't rolling on top form. I am definately getting more visual- especially the more I get into art. Where are the words I sometimes wonder as I stand there and can't think of what word to pick. It is like when I study my French- I can't think of the word I want to say but if you speak to me, I am ok.Not that it is that bad- but I've never noticed it like this before...especially when I am tired or frustrated.  I guess I need a vacation!
7- Field trip today- going to the Museum of Science with my biology kids. Should- hopefully- be a fun day!
8- Just about finished shopping. I just need to get a few small gifts for some friends and hoping to wrap that up in next few days. Then finished! Yee-haw!
9- Been missing the 12 tags of Christmas this week-they finished up this past Monday. And I was watching The Pillars of the Earth mini-series and that endeded and the Amazing Race ended on Sunday. Everything ending! But back to Tim Holtz's 12 tags of Christmas. I liked getting up and while I have my tea, check it out, it made it easier to get up when I knew there was something fun to fill my wake-up 30 minutes. Oh well. And I've been busy with my holiday journal and enjoying making it...I like how I have my eyes open for interesting little things in my life....things you don't necessarily notice. Good mental exercise.
10-Oh my.... I can't think of a anything else...this is a first! I know, I will tell you how I am in a holly jolly mood and not in the mood to teach. Wouldn't it be great if we could just have a pre-Christmas vacation as well as a post-Christmas vacation? A pre-holiday break to bake cookies and wrap gifts and get rested for the holiday?
Just a thought.

Happy Day!

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