Thursday, December 15, 2011


Don't you just LOVE this Santa? I do, he is silly and fun! And yes my photo is a bit crooked, but you get the idea.
This ia a really simple and clean card. Printed background paper on red cardstock (not shown). A piece of green cardstock, outlined with red Sharpie. Then a strip of 7Gypsies tape, and finally Santa (Paper Smooches). I stamped him on white paper, colored him with Copics and then used some white Stickles for the fur parts of his outfit. I also used a Sakura jellyroll glaze pen for the shiny belt and boots. I also used a white Uniball pen (the best white pens!) and scribbled on his beard to give him some texture. Then I cut him out and attached him. Used a saying stamp from this same Paper Smooches set -Santa Paws- and finally added some red Viva Paint Pen dots.
How easy was that?
Wasn;t there a commercial or tv show that used to say that all the time?

So yesterday was the darkest about wanting to nap or watch TV. I willed myself to go through gifts and get out Katie's gifts and do some wrapping before she comes home on Friday/tomorrow from college for her break...but man, it was a chore. And I didn't finish seeing I first had to dig out all the wrapping supplies and go through the bags of gifts to seperate her things from the other gifts....then Dave came home and that is way too big of a distraction with dinner and him chatting away...I should have taken yesterday off and stayed home to wrap...and I would have taken taken today but I have a field trip tomorrow and hate to be out 2 days in a row. Anyhow, I made a BIG dent in her things and Dave came home with a gift for himself which he then gave to me to give him...perfect-was looking for something a little "bigger". That helps a lot. This week is one of those weeks that is too far from vacation to feel like its almost there but close enough to start teasing you! Lots to do at home and lots to do at work. Still too far away to be able to let up a bit but too close to want to do much at school. And the kids are getting antsy too!
Oh well, field trip tomorrow so I just need to get through today. Which I will. And I should go do a bit of holiday shopping after work too. Just so much to do right now!
Anyhow, have a FABULOUS day.

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