Wednesday, January 11, 2012



It is my word-recarding-and it is like regifting but it using parts of a perviously made card to make a new card, or cards, depending on how you recard.
So the white card directly above these words is a card I made last year. I loved how the lion on the polka dot paper came out, but I hated how it looked on the white background cardstock.
So I took my old card and cut out the  what I did like, including bits of the white cardstock and part of the die cut flower at the top. I also left behind the row of gemstones.
And then I attached this onto a new card made from some grey cardstock. Finally I added the saying on the bottom of the card which is from a Cornish Heritage Farms set.
The original card deisng is made using the lion stamp-LaBlanche, the Egypt word (B Line Design), some Tim Holtz paper tape, a Sizzix flower die cut which is distressed with brown ink and a small brass brad added, some polka paper and a row of Hero Arts amber colored gemstones.

So that's my recard. Yesterday was one of those days at work I never got a second to think. Busy, busy, busy. Tomorrow/tonight they're saying some icky messy weather. Hmmm.  Maybe we'll get winter yet.
And maybe- which I would love to finish up my holiday journal-I'll get a snow day.
Keep dreaming girl.
Until next post.

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