Thursday, January 12, 2012

Winter Arrives

I know winter arrived last month-officially, but here in New Hampshire we have been having weird winter weather. A huge snow storm the last weekend in October-never happened before- then snow  just before Thanksgiving, which isn't weird but then it got warm and melted and since then any little snow we've gotten has melted and it has been fairly warm. We've had lots of days in the 40's- which is really unusual for this neck of the woods.
Not that I am complaining because so far I am actually enjoying this winter weather.
That's changing...or at least what is forecasted Wednesday night when I am writing this post for tomorrow-actually when you see this it is now today- Thursday. Don't yet know if I will be out in the elements on my way to work or home in my pj's...will let you know that later.
But here's my card, a silly one I made a while back and I don't think I showed you.
All stamps are by Paper Smooches or Kim Hughes for Cornish Heritage Farm.
This bunny is from the Little Lovin set. I stamped him on white paper colored pink and then I highlighted and used a white pen for the white parts. I mounted Mr. Silly on some pinkish-orangey paper I die cut. Actually I took pink cardstock and then some fun heart paper that I like because it looks hand doodled. I mounted that on the cardstock and then put Mr. Silly Bunny in his oval on this. The carrots are from the CHF pet set that Kim Hughes did and the words are from another Kim Hughes CHF set.
Then I doodled the white frames, which I think work really well on this card as the whole card has this distressed silly kind of feel.
Great for a day of old man's winter weather.
Speaking of CHF, I know they are back in a form with new owners and lots of digital images, but I am waiting for them to come out with their actual rubber. Anyone know when?
Well, I hope your weather is what you want it to be.
And if you're in the snow/ice/sleet and freezing rain like me
Stay warm and dry, ok?

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