Monday, January 23, 2012

Say Goodbye

No, you don't need to say goodbye and I am not quitting my blogging, but today is the last day of this quarter at school and I lose my classes after today. I like my classes a lot right now, and I may not like what I get new on Wednesday (we have a mid-year work day tomorrow without kids), but I am ready to say goodbye. I'll miss them, but after all these years of teaching-this is year 28 for me- I can handle the new faces. Plus, I have microbiology again starting Wednesday-last block of the day-so that is GOOD!
Here's my art for today...I was playing with my new camera lens yesterday before the Pats game.

Winter in my backyard...sunny and not cold-but chilly, quiet, white-
And I told you yesterday about my new ribbon holder- and this circle
"thing" hanger I found at IKEA...
I saw this hanger idea in Scrap 365 or Craft Stamper...and then when I saw this I thought this might do the trick!
And it works quite NICELY for $16 (I bought 2 at $8 each).

So yesterday Katie went back to school...miss her already but in a few days I'll be adjusted to her being gone. Not that I never see her...but got used to her being home again.
And the Pats won the AFC championship!!!! What a game- the Ravens missed a field goal right in the last 15 seconds of the game which would have tied it up. So the Superbowl will be worth watching this year.
Lots of events here for such a quiet weekend...(I never even left the house/yard from when I got home on Friday and I needed that recharge).
Have a great Monday!

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