Sunday, January 22, 2012


Yesterday was dark with light snow most of the day...we didn't get a lot of snow but a couple of inches. The kind of day you want to lounge and watch the flakes come down...but not me! I had a very successful day all around. Slept in. Started a new book-just taking a break from Darwin which I haven't quite finished yet. Organzied my scarves in the new holder I got at IKEA the other day and organized all my ribbons on a couple of the same holders I hung behind the door in the studio. Now my ribbons are easy to get to instead of being stuffed in a drawer where you can't find what you want and if you do find what you want, most likely it is all tangled. Will get a photo for you one of these days.
Then I also got the studio more or less picked up and I vaccuumed and I FINISHED the holiday journal!!!
I really needed to get done with anything to do with Christmas. Got all that put away. Am happy with my journal but just didn't want to even do any more with it so I had to finish up the page or 2 I had left.
And I couldn't stand the studio mess...not that it is perfect, but all the things laying around on the floor were really driving me crazy. So much I didn't even want to go in there and work.
But now, it is better.
And if those accomplishments weren't enough for 1 snowy Saturday,
at 4 we had Maine vs BC on NESN-fantastic college hockey especially since MAINE WON!!!!! 7-4. It was a good game. BC is a tough team too, and I guess Maine also won last night so that moved Maine into 3rd in Hockey East. So exciting!!!!!!!!!
 I'm writing this Saturday night and we're watching UNH vs Merrimac hockey on tv now. What a day. I'll give it an A++++.
The Brutal Telling: A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel (Armand Gamache Mysteries)
Here's my latest read...really enjoy this author's murder mysteries set in Quebec.
Inspector Gamanche is her lead detective...he sounds like a hottie to me.

Today's card is made on some pink reptile skin looking cardstock. I did a small masterboard using the Casablanca stamps by Oxford Impressions. I also stamped the hearts-Stampington stamps and colored them red and then added some Crackle glaze to them. I then used my inchie punch and punched out the images and attached them. I added the 7Gypsies tape, a little Making Memories sticker and then a few Viva Paint pen bronze colored dots. I've done a bunch of inchie cards in the last few months...I guess you kind of go through phases with what you make and what you like to make. And no, it is just my cropping that cuts off the bottom edge of the card so there is a little pink edge of cardstock there too.
Thanks for visiting!

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